Approaching the gate we saw many standing chatting to each other, Master nodded a tal, myself greeted the Masters and kajirae. The master who was standing in front of my Master was asked by him if there was a green around. The Master was not sure if there was one at this moment. A kajira replied as well she has'nt seen one."but maybe a slave can show you the infirmary and you can look about in the city" a Master said. My Master looked a little worried and replied "hmmm that's to bad....then I have to continue my search. Even myself started to be worried.
"Who is in need to of help yourself or your kajira", asked Master Feliciano.
"My lil one here", she is hurt by a knife during holding a verr and when no one looks at it, it might be infected" The Master looked at a girl named dy and told her she might be helpful. "well go and offer your service then".
"Well if she knows what to do then its fine with me" replied my Master. She said she was trained by a green Caste. I looked up with questioned eyes at my Master. Would this be the right thing to do?. But one had no other choice to follow the girl who was leading the way to the infirmary.
We had to wait for a short while outside, cause she needed to ask permission to her Master.
I started to tremble a little. "My Master will she be able to help this one?" I asked him.
The girl came back and I had to follow her.She said my Master could come in and watch. "I will be near" he replied. I was so thankful hearing those words. The girl ordered me to sit on the end of the table. Carefully with one hand I climbed on it.
She asked me where it hurt, as my Master told her what he already did to help.She unwrapped the cloth on my hand and told my Master she needs to look at it to know what she needs. I could feel the cloth already sticking on my skin when she unwrapped it. I started to wibble with my toes, starting to get a little nervous of what would happen. The girl walked over to the cupboard, looking for a bowl some clean cloths and meirgold. my Master told her I needed a shot probably as well.
The girl said she was going to use the oil to clean the wound.She poured the oil into the bowl, and washed her hands
She then gave me another cloth and said "if it gets too bad bite down on this, but I will be as gentil as I can". I looked with scared eyes to her, but noticed her gentle face, and trusted her, looking at my Master seeing the same expression on his face, I was sure.
She was wetting the rag in the bowl, and carefully started to clean slowly, making sure to get all the repcloth away. I saw how carefully she was working , and saw all the blood disapearing. I could not stop to mumble some words, it was stinging anyway, how carefully she was doing it, it was hurting me.
She asked me what my name was, and whisperd to her I awas not allowed to pronounce my name, but then quickly whispered my name to her.
"Master do you mind I give her some kanda leaf" she asked my Master. He nodded to her "but not to much"
"I will be careful with it Master". She walked to the cupboards and broke a piece of kanda leaf in half and gave it to me. Telling me not to swallow it. I started to chew on it, thinking how faster I would chew the lesser I would feel the pain.
She looked at the wound and was getting a needle and tread, "ok fran I need to put two stitches, they will be small and close together. I will be quick and gentle as I can hun".
"do it quickly sister" I asked her, and she pinched the flesh together while I was looking at my Master, using the needle to make two stitches and released my hand. I bite on the cloth as hard I could, but still was screaming....
"ok that's done" fran she sudden said. "That's all I replied, looking at the same time at my hand, "you are really ready?"
The girl walked back to the cupboard to take some salve and a roll with bandages "if it gets wet or if it bleeds though, you may need to change the bandage".
"So the worst is done...I will go outside" said my Master. I took the kanda leaf out of my mouth and kept it in my hand to trow away later. I nodded to hear hearing her words and thanked her for being so kind to help.
She said my Master was right to get a tetanus shot, and she was not allowed to give that. A Green should do that.
The stitches would have be removed in 10 days, and if no one else would have time she would be gladly to do so. I would surely remember that, cause she was gentle to me.
I looked toward the door opening where I could see my Master waiting. "thank you so much sister" and jumped of the table, walking to my Master and heeled at his feet.
I looked up to him when I saw him reaching to his belt, knowing where he keeps the sweets I smiled, he took out his little bag a dade and gave it to me. I handed over the salve and bandages to my Master, and thanked him for the dade.
The girl was grateful at my Master "thank you for letting me treat her Master " she said and walked away...back to Heimdal.
Back at Heimdal
Ariving back at Heimdal Master Matt was waiting for us, asking if all went well. My Master was tired from the travel and said to Master Matt to take me to the farm to get the verr.
Entering the farm all was still bloody. The verr lying on the floor, the skin almost detached. It just needed to be cut into pieces. "How is your hand fran?" he asked me " are you able to hold anything?"
"yes Master" I replied, " this one can drag a piece of the verr with her other hand". "Even puts some parts in her backpack".
"Well I start to cut it up....use your legs to hold it still so I can cut it well"
I moved closer to the body slightly started to tremble...hoping Master Matt would not be silly to cut in my leg, or my other hand. I pressed my weight on the body of the verr . Master Matt took his sword, saying "I think sword will do it fastest...I am sure I can be carefull this time" he pulls the sword out placing it on the verrs body. He lined up and stated to cut into it.
I turned my face away, noticing he took his sword...not wanting to feel it in my face.
Master Matt
Then begins to move his sword up and down on the verr. I saw how it was sliding into its skin. "you think this is the best way? or should I just try to slice at it?" he asked me. "No Master" I said " just be quickly before the Mistress returns."Just cut it into big pieces and we bring it to the cave."The Master swinged with his sword into the verr then stands up and swings it the other way . As he looked down at the mostly equal cubes of meat "hmmm yes" he said " I think that was much better asnd faster idea girl"
"Well done Master" turning my head again, knowing all was done.
He then winged again with his sword into a couple of large pieces , while he watched with joy slicing them into small pieces. "ok girl....all done best pick them up now". He said.
"Master tug some pieces into this one's backpack as well". I took a piece of the leg ready to be dragged to the cave. Master Matt quickly tugged some pieces into my backpack. I looked at the Master asking him if all the pieces where taken, and if Master was ready to head back to the cave.
"Come fran let's go back to Storm" he said. and so we walked out of the farm to our cave.
Quickly we walked into the cave, I dropped the big piece on the floor, Master Matt watched me as I put out the meat and leayes out " that thing will sure be tasty"
"It surely will Master" I smiled up to him...and then looked at my hand, questioning myself who would prepare it.
"Make sure that meat is hidden first though incase anyone comes her searching for it" the Master sad to me. I started to hide all the pieces . "These are really heavy Master, especially that one over there Master, maybe Master would be so kind to help this one", I asked him. Master Matt nodded at me picked up the heavy piece and carried it over the table to the servery, and hides the piece high up "there...none will find it up here". I giggled "yes Master indeed...thank you for helping this one..." and quickly glide on my knees again ready to head back to my Master and bring him the good news.
Master Matt ordered me to go back to my Master, I wished him well, and walked out of the cave.
I still needed my shot against tetanus....but that will be the fourth part of this story
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