fran was with her Master...
My Master capped her close to the village...Master Matt was there also as another Master passed the conversation started ... she was scooping around the city, and maybe trying to steal things. Said to the Master she would be a good bond for the village.
My Master turned her over and she groans...He started to bind her writs and her ankles
She replied: not stealing...looking..there is a cave yes? don't tie please
Master Matt asked my Master if we where going to keep her, and my Master asked if he wants her.But he could use her to get lacey back which he captured earlier but escaped, and he could have his revenge
The girl started to ask to let her go and she would get Lacey if she knew where to find her "I can bring her whoever she is.I promise".
My Master kneeled close to her...looked into her eyes "who you think you are, you can bring lacey back""what's your name, and where you come from girl named okie?"
Master Matt whispered "do you think she will come back?""what is stopping you running away and not returning..what promise would you offer?"
She started at Master Matt "I lived in a cave once, I am looking for it, there is many places since then, no homes"
"well there are many caves, girl named okie" replied my Master, he looked at Master Matt"well she is not particially dresses for the fokking frost here" okie bites back the insults and said" I was dresses better before, before I met some other of your kind""I might freeze to death if you dont let me out of the snow please"
Seems my Master heard some shooting at Lucee's farm and maybe she shot some of her stock..
they went to her farm to check her stock. The girl grinds her teeth, and my Master pulled her on her feet, tows her over his shoulder, and walked to Lucee's farm.
Master Matt said he thought to have seen some bloodin the snow when he run to my Master
the girl said that everyone had to eat, she groans when she recognised the farm. The my Master asked her where she did hide it.The girl asked hide what?. A verr replied my Master to her, she shaked her head and said she did'nt touch any verr. my Master asked master Matt to go and look for some bloodtrail, he noticed an arrow near the fence, and told her she ain't not a good shot. He compared it with hers and it looked like her arrows.
She said that she shoots fine and only was testing the string of her Master dropped her on the floor and again he asked her where she hide it. The girl laying on the floor tryed to convince my Master by bringing Lacey and 2 verr, she did'nt hide anything and again where she would hide it
Then this one arrived seeing her Master from the distance and waks towards him to heel beside him.
I heard my Master talking to the girl not knowing what was going on. He said to her why she would bring 2 verr when she steals 1 from the farm. She did'nt steal a verr she said.
Master Matt seemed to have seen some blood and yelled at my Master that he could'nt see where it came from or went, he would continue to look further.I heard the Master yelling words about blood not knowing what was happening and looked towards the farm where I could see Master Matt. The girl started to shiver from the laying in the snow and when my Master said he would squeeze out an answer out of her. He kneeled down and draws his dagger, trails it over her stomach and up to her troat "now tell me where you hide it" The girl started to clench her jaws holding her breath and said "oh really did'nt take a verr, I swear"
"Well there is blood and an arrow of you...and one missing" Since I was in the farm the day before I had to count them again
In the mean time fran was was inside the farm and looked around, when master Matt was yelling that he sees a wounded verr, that could die soon, and not knowing what hppened to it.
I was counting them and shaked my head, shouting to my Master that I thought one was missing, there where more the day before at the farm, I was very sure about that.
MyMaster said to her she was going to pay for it, the girl tried to roll over" I did'nt take it, but I will bring 2 and lacey, yes?"
My Master grabed by her feet binds and drags her inside the farm, near a bunch of straw. "do what you must do then, but it wont change that I did'nt take the verr" and sighed, she was to proud to keep defending herself and started to at her bindings with the tips of her stretched fingers, hoping to pluck an end from the knot and work it loose.
Fran walked back to where she belongs and saw Master Matt inspecting the verr.
It was limping badly and while touching with he could feel the blood streaming over his hand, the poor vurr struggled and Master Matt quickly saw an arrow sticking out.
He tosses the arrow towards my Master shouting " catch! as the arrow flys trough the air direction my Master." is this the same arrow as you found"
I bend my upperbody quickly aside to escape the arrow.. the girl frowned hen the arrow soars through the air
My Master catched the arrow, and took the other one he had found near the fence, he nodded that they look alike and turned to the girl. He holds the 2 arrows in her eyesight and said to her " well I think this was yours...or not.." and shake with the one with blood on.
Poor little verr I could only say, shaking my head.
Master Matt let the poor verr go and pats it slightly, as he watches it try to limp of "well not sure there is much we can do for this one...but I do not know much about healing animals...maybe I should just put it out of its misery?"
My Master could only nod and blame it on the girl "you where going to anyway weren't you" she said, " I only shot that one because it attacked me!""Its rabid", "but I did'nt kill it and take it away or hide, just like I said I did'nt"
I shouted to Master Matt nooooo Master stop...give it a chance" and looked with very angry eyes at the captive girl, in the hope she will be punished for her deeds.
She glared to me and said "what would she know about being hungry" My Master asked her hoe she would know it has rabid..was she a green?. "because it attacked me" she said.
My Master knows the owner of the farm has a healthy stock, he said with an angry voice "well maybe you scared it!" "well you wounded it and it looks bad..we have to kill it now to put it out its misery"
the girl even dared to say or ask to give her the skin and roast it, If I have to pay for it, it should be mine". How could she dare to say this!!!
"well you do not need it" said my master angry. I was looking to the limping verr with sad eyes, knowing soon it will be taken out of its misery because of this stupid...stupid...girl.
My Master then decided to take her into the village and the magistrate wold deal with her. He bend over to her and lifted her on her feet and then trowed her over his shoulder again. "well if you do this I will never bring lacey to you" she said
Master Matt heared my words and lowers his sword noticing the verr coud not go so far "well I will put this one out of its misery then".
Myself could only give a little smile to my Master hearing his words she would be dealt with the magistrate, and will learn a lesson for hurting a poor innocent verr.
Master told me when he was walking away that I could clean it and take the wool and skin to prepare a meal for the.
"this is my skin, my meat " she shouted when her Master left the farm.
"The that slave will ruin the skin, and she sure can't butcher it" not knowing of course that Master Matt would butcher it.
My Master dropped her in a cage, while she was trying to negociate with him " Please let me just replace the animal".
My Master said to her, it was a little to late for that, she did steal it and if he were'nt there it time, she ould have stolen it for nothing.
"I did not steal" she said again, "well you hurt it and had maybe attentiion to take it".
"I f I was going to take the animal I would not have left it" and frowned. My Master grins at her words she did not steal...he closed the door of the cage and locked it.
Fran and Matt where still at the farm....but this part and the continue of the story will be placed tomorrow....SORRY
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