Wednesday, February 25, 2009
How wine came to Gor.
Thus any wines that we add will be avilable in Second Life only for the time being.
I wrote the following story in what I hope is something similiar to the way I see a folk tale being told on Gor.
The Story of Adena, and how wine came to Gor.
Long ago, when even the Glorious Ar was still but a small village. A powerful and strong Ubar had a lovely kajira with silken locks named Adena. She was his favorite and could dance and sing like no other and whose voice was like that of the birds themselves.
However, one day she fell out of the Ubar's grace. No matter how she begged or what she did to be found pleasing, she still could not make him happy. Then one day, she decided that rather then live without this man she would rather die.
Going into the servery she found some Ta grapes, that had been caste aside for they had spoiled. Thinking to kill herself, she ate the grapes and drank the juice of them! She then fell into a deep sleep. Upon awaking she found her mood improved.
"Oh Woe, what a lowly and miserable beast I am! I can not even kill myself! How can I please my Master!" And again, she ate and drank the juice of some spoiled Ta grapes hoping to end her life. Again her mood improved.
Failing to take her own life, she crawled back to her Master the Ubar. Who upon seeing the improvement in her mood and how she served was taken aback and went to see what had such an affect on her spirits. For three more days and nights this pattern continued and each night the girls mood improved.
Fire entered her belly again and she surpassed the highest levels of service. Till finally the Ubar questioned her. "Girl, once you were miserable and could not please me! Now you dance and sing like the Adena of old. Better perhaps! What has renewed your soul so?"
When told of the strange drink and the magic it contained, he went to the servery and studied it. Then ordered a barrel made to store it.
"This I declare" he said in a booming voice that even the Priest Kings feared, "let this Ta wine travel the land, so that others my share in our joy!" With that he freed the poor lowly slave girl and declared her his Free Companion.
And that is how wine came to Gor.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Last part of "A thief at the farm"
I was not that happy hearing those words, and started to protest and wanted to walk away. Master then leashed me and started to pull me towards the Mistress.
"Tal Freya, can you help me" he asked her," she needs a shot against infection and maybe you can look at her hand again" "she's not very well...seems like chicken-pocks" I started to pull harder, and Master kept the leash short.
Mistress Gayle came walking over the bridge and saw me pulling, her soft voice asked me if I was well, and I shouted I was not. The Mistress nodded and said I looked rather pale. She stepped back hearing my Master talking and asked if it was contagious. I kept pulling and pulling shouting "nooooo".
"Maybe we go to the village "Master said to the physician. I was getting a little tired from pulling, when a Master arrived asking if anyone has seen a slave running.
Mistress physician said she thought I might be delirious from pain and infection. I turned my back towards all of them. My Master kicked my ass "where are you"re manners girl" I screamed feeling Master kicking me.
Mistress Gayle turned towards the Master "I saw one near where you stood before" she answered."A naked bond".
I kept pulling as hard I could, Mistress Freya smiled telling Master Boa she had to head towards the village to help me and asked him if he wanted to have a drink at the tavern while he was here.
My Master pulled me on my hair to the front of him facing the Free, and stepped in my legs to keep me down. I screamed, and grumbled feeling my Master boots on my legs. "Let's take taht bond to the infirmary" Mistress Freya said. My Master stepped dwon from my legs keeping the leash short and firm in his hand. "We follow Freya" he said to her. "hmmm hw about I follow you" she replied. Mistress Gayle laughed. "I dunno the way"Master said, while I was screaming that I would'nt follow. He yanked the leash on me."Gayle you better come with us" Master said looking at her. Mistress Freya asking if we wanted to wait a little more,
but my Master said we waited to long already.
"Yae I will come" said Mistress Gayle, "she looks in pain". Mistress Freya nodded to her "aye and makes me dizzy as well".
"Are you going to treat her" asked Mistress Gayle to the nodding Mistress."Yae that I will" she replied"let's run". The Mistress said to me to take deep breaths.
"No no no" I screamed" I wont I wont I wont". I could feel my Master's hand taking my hair, puling it again so I had to look at him "listen lil wonna loose your hand" he said with angry voice to me. "No my Master please dont" I screamed at him. we entered the infirmary.
Mistress Gayle was blokking the door so I could not run away again,. Mistress Freya ordered me to lie on the bed, she would see what she could do .
My Master dragged me towards the bed " now jump on that bed" he yelled at me. I climbed on the bed, Master kept me down. Mistress Gayle was asking the Mistress if she needed something, and Mistress said with her soft voice "lie still girl I wont hurt you..move and the needle will probably snap your skin".I started to shake and mumbled softly to myself "what he is going to do with me?".....hearing the physician answering to the Mistress "aye some agrimony and kur fat". Only those words already would make you tremble.
Mistress Freja who was outside shouted to Master Boa where he was, she lost him again.
My Master explained the Mistress physician what happened and she said she already could see that from the place she was standing.
I saw Mistress Gayle standing near the shelves lookig for some thing when I shoutet "MASTER!!!!...dont let them cut off my hand pleeeeaaaassseee". My Master looked for a moment to me and said with his peaceful voice shus lil one". "You see, it is starting to infect" he said to Mistress Freya, while looking at her again.
"It's not!!! look!!" I shoutet to my Master. Mistress freya took my hand in hers and looked closely to the oozing pus,
while my Master kept talking to me" if you do not let Freya look at it and treat you, you will loose it, shut up and let her look".
I started to cry a little
Mistress Freya just did what she had to do, laying her hand on my forehead "hmm it's hot" she said "a fever obviously causing the delusion and caused by the infection. Mistress Gayle still loking for the items to treat me, returned to Mistress Freya, handing the agrinmony to her saing in the same time she could not find the
kur fat.
My Master could hear me sniffing and said to me to stop it or he would give me a reason to cry when we would be back home.
Mistress Freja who lost Master Boa shoutet to him "in here Boa"
I peeped a little trough my fingers of my hand which I kept over my eyes.Mistress Freya cleaned my wound with a premoistered rep cloth. I squeezed my eyes shot and turned my head away.
Mistress Freya assured Mistress Gayle she had some kur fat with her, and continued cleaning my wound.
I shoutet to her "aaaauuuuuwww..what are you doing????!!!???...this hurts!!!"
The Mistress placed the argrimony on the table near the bed. I heard someone placing smething on the table and quickly looked at it. my Master shaked his head telling me I would let me feel what hurts when we woud be back home.
"ssshhh girl...or it will hurt of that I can assure you" the Mistress said to me."No no no my Master...this already hurts enough" I assured my Master. "Then stop whimping" my Master said
"Mistress Gayle quickly stepped back out of fear she would be kicked by me.Mistress Freya smeared some of the agrimony on the wound and applied soe kur fat to draw out infection. Then she looked for some bandages. I was breathing fast deep in and out. Mistress gayle returned the jar of agrinomy where she found it. Mistress Freya placed some bandage over my hand "hmmm now the anti infection shot and herbal tea ro reduce fever". My Master kept looking at the Mistress her expert movements and observed me. "Shot!!!!" I yelled." What she means with that:".
Mistress Gayle turned towards the door, wher Mistress Freja and Master Boa where standing, nodded at them and then looked at me.
I started to shake my head a no no no, and grumbled words softly...
Mistress Freya placed a firm hand on me "listen girl you lie still or you will experience pain taht can only imagine....needles broken and veins are not nice". She said to me. My Master trows an evil look at me
"shus and let the healer do her work". I then looked at the Mistress, and kept silent not daring to move an inch.
I heard some noise near my bed...Mistress Freja saw a bowl..took it..looked over at Master Boa as he pours something in the bowlnpt knowing what it is...thinking to herself "I think this is something we can drink".
She took one of the cups up to her mouth.
Mistress Freya filled up the Syringe wit the anti-infection serum and then gently placed it into my vein.
She pushed the plunger down, making sure all the serum enterd my bloodsystem.
Master insured the Mistress I was treatened by a slave , but that she was not allowed to give me a precousiuos shot.
"I'm fine Freja" Master Boa said..."drink it Freja I dare you" .then Mistress Freya shoutet at her after she finished giving me the shot
"dont drink that Freja....its breeding wine!!!!" to late she finished the cup of breeding wine.
Mistress Freja runs quickly out, and Mistress Gayle looked quick to Mistress Freya.
"I think she was worried" said.Master Boa
Mistress Freja sticked her finger deep down in her throat and trow up in the flowers outside.
Mistress Freya tried to concern over me , patting me " now you did wont be soo scared". I will always be scared for needles I thought, sight deeply and looked at my Master.
My Master smirked to me "you are a pussy..I told you before"...I could only purrrrrr.
I heard Mistress Freja saying walking in again " oh now what have I done".
Mistress Gayle runs to Mistress Freja's side " are you alright..what can I do now?"
Master oa asked Mistress Freya if she has the neccessary to counter the wine she drunk?
Then another Master walked in, Master Hjalmar. "What has happen, are you sick" he asked.
"Let me trow over" Mistress Freja said "I m fine".."yes I just trow up, so I will be fine".
" I dronk something, not knowing what it was and welll... I dont feel so good".
Mistress Freya kept talking to me " now just peppermint tea and the fever should go down real fast"
"yes tea" shoutet Mistress freja " I need tea" Mistress Gayle nodded "I have some mint tea"....smiled " I will bring it to you
"Maybe we give both some so te be sure it works" my Master said...."Oh yes please dont tell Mooch" Mistress Freja said.
Mistress Freya laughed "aye Freja, the bitter sip is in the black vial marked slave wine"
"I will run home" Mistress Gayle shoutet whil she was walking out of the infirmary
My Master said it would be to late for that, Mistress Freja almost strated to cry "Freya does it take long before the wine does it work?" asking her.
My Master asked the Mistress physician if I needed to come back soon for another check, while she was patting on Mistress Freja's shoulder "dont worry I have the concentrated version of bitter sip, all will be well". she turned towards my Master " aye I suggest you bring her back tomorrow...just to be sure".
"Yomorow" I asked. Master nodded " and what should I be aware of?"
Mistress Freja sat down on the chair, hand covered her face and shaking it. My Master rubs his chin hearing the words rom Mistress Freya and shaked slowly his head.
"I am in trouble" Mistress Freja said " bitter sip or commonly known as slave wine" Mistress freya said.
Master Boa said he had some slave wine in his stash at home.
Mistress came back running carefully with a tray and placed it down on the table.
My Master ordered me to come and heel next to him.
Mistress Gayle started to pour some mint tea hastely for Mistress Freja. I jumped of the table carefully and kneeled next to my Master. Mistress Freja takes the cup from the tray and almost drop it on the table, herhands where shaking badly.
"Would the girl want some tea Freya" Mistress Gayle asked. The Mistress smiled "aye that would be a good idea". she placed the cup near to me, while my Master reached into his pocket and holds a silver tarn to Mistress Freya "here for your time" he said.
Mistress Freja was placing he hands around the cup and started to drink. " Boa dont tell anyone ok?" she asked him.
Mistress Freya took the piece of silver tarn and thanked my Master. "it was my pleasure" she said, "and you where very brave lil one" .Myself I thanked the Mistress for her good care, but told her I was scared.
Master Boa was trying to convince Mistress freja he had at his home something to counter for what she had drunk. "I keep it hidden" he said.
Mistress Freja looked up to him " I understand" she said.
I could hear my Maser thinking "yeah right Boa..the same fluid I always keep hidden".
"I keep all of that hidden" said Master Boa cant have anyone stealing it".
Mistress freja looked down at the table " how could I be so stupid" she said. "Come her Freja" Master Boa asked her, and gave her a big hug.
Mistress Freya smiled a little "we all make mistakes..Freja, and that one was easely fixed".
"Thank you" replied the Mistress in question, whil Master Boa had another idea to take the Mistress to his room.
I was sipping my tea listening to all of this, then cought hearing those words.
"But Sir Boa I am a taken woman" she replied to him.
"I was only joking" he assured her."I can not go with a man to his room" said Mistress Freja, "I dont know why I did drink it". "It just looked like wine".
"Would anyone like more tea " shoutet Mistress Gayle in the room" she looked over into the room noticing no one need more tea, looked at Mistress freja in the hope the horrable taste wold have dissapeared of her mouth.
Master Boa told her she will have to be careful - a guy might take advantahe next time cause of it-. "Freja" he said "you know I am very honorable".
My Master saw I finished my tea "you can wait outside lil one" her ordered me. I replied him as I always do and walked outside the room, wishing the Master and Mistresses well.
I stepped outside with a happy face, I still have my hand, and after all it was not that bad this injection.
I heard my Master thanking again for their help.
I coud still hear them slightly talking inside, Mistress Gayle's soft voice talking to Mistress Freja, she hoped she felt better already.
My Master winked to me to heel, passing the Mistress shaking his head, as he had a wicked smile around his face.
At last back to our camp.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
a thief at the farm (part 3)
Approaching the gate we saw many standing chatting to each other, Master nodded a tal, myself greeted the Masters and kajirae. The master who was standing in front of my Master was asked by him if there was a green around. The Master was not sure if there was one at this moment. A kajira replied as well she has'nt seen one."but maybe a slave can show you the infirmary and you can look about in the city" a Master said. My Master looked a little worried and replied "hmmm that's to bad....then I have to continue my search. Even myself started to be worried.
"Who is in need to of help yourself or your kajira", asked Master Feliciano.
"My lil one here", she is hurt by a knife during holding a verr and when no one looks at it, it might be infected" The Master looked at a girl named dy and told her she might be helpful. "well go and offer your service then".
"Well if she knows what to do then its fine with me" replied my Master. She said she was trained by a green Caste. I looked up with questioned eyes at my Master. Would this be the right thing to do?. But one had no other choice to follow the girl who was leading the way to the infirmary.
We had to wait for a short while outside, cause she needed to ask permission to her Master.
I started to tremble a little. "My Master will she be able to help this one?" I asked him.
The girl came back and I had to follow her.She said my Master could come in and watch. "I will be near" he replied. I was so thankful hearing those words. The girl ordered me to sit on the end of the table. Carefully with one hand I climbed on it.
She asked me where it hurt, as my Master told her what he already did to help.She unwrapped the cloth on my hand and told my Master she needs to look at it to know what she needs. I could feel the cloth already sticking on my skin when she unwrapped it. I started to wibble with my toes, starting to get a little nervous of what would happen. The girl walked over to the cupboard, looking for a bowl some clean cloths and meirgold. my Master told her I needed a shot probably as well.
The girl said she was going to use the oil to clean the wound.She poured the oil into the bowl, and washed her hands
She then gave me another cloth and said "if it gets too bad bite down on this, but I will be as gentil as I can". I looked with scared eyes to her, but noticed her gentle face, and trusted her, looking at my Master seeing the same expression on his face, I was sure.
She was wetting the rag in the bowl, and carefully started to clean slowly, making sure to get all the repcloth away. I saw how carefully she was working , and saw all the blood disapearing. I could not stop to mumble some words, it was stinging anyway, how carefully she was doing it, it was hurting me.
She asked me what my name was, and whisperd to her I awas not allowed to pronounce my name, but then quickly whispered my name to her.
"Master do you mind I give her some kanda leaf" she asked my Master. He nodded to her "but not to much"
"I will be careful with it Master". She walked to the cupboards and broke a piece of kanda leaf in half and gave it to me. Telling me not to swallow it. I started to chew on it, thinking how faster I would chew the lesser I would feel the pain.
She looked at the wound and was getting a needle and tread, "ok fran I need to put two stitches, they will be small and close together. I will be quick and gentle as I can hun".
"do it quickly sister" I asked her, and she pinched the flesh together while I was looking at my Master, using the needle to make two stitches and released my hand. I bite on the cloth as hard I could, but still was screaming....
"ok that's done" fran she sudden said. "That's all I replied, looking at the same time at my hand, "you are really ready?"
The girl walked back to the cupboard to take some salve and a roll with bandages "if it gets wet or if it bleeds though, you may need to change the bandage".
"So the worst is done...I will go outside" said my Master. I took the kanda leaf out of my mouth and kept it in my hand to trow away later. I nodded to hear hearing her words and thanked her for being so kind to help.
She said my Master was right to get a tetanus shot, and she was not allowed to give that. A Green should do that.
The stitches would have be removed in 10 days, and if no one else would have time she would be gladly to do so. I would surely remember that, cause she was gentle to me.
I looked toward the door opening where I could see my Master waiting. "thank you so much sister" and jumped of the table, walking to my Master and heeled at his feet.
I looked up to him when I saw him reaching to his belt, knowing where he keeps the sweets I smiled, he took out his little bag a dade and gave it to me. I handed over the salve and bandages to my Master, and thanked him for the dade.
The girl was grateful at my Master "thank you for letting me treat her Master " she said and walked away...back to Heimdal.
Back at Heimdal
Ariving back at Heimdal Master Matt was waiting for us, asking if all went well. My Master was tired from the travel and said to Master Matt to take me to the farm to get the verr.
Entering the farm all was still bloody. The verr lying on the floor, the skin almost detached. It just needed to be cut into pieces. "How is your hand fran?" he asked me " are you able to hold anything?"
"yes Master" I replied, " this one can drag a piece of the verr with her other hand". "Even puts some parts in her backpack".
"Well I start to cut it up....use your legs to hold it still so I can cut it well"
I moved closer to the body slightly started to tremble...hoping Master Matt would not be silly to cut in my leg, or my other hand. I pressed my weight on the body of the verr . Master Matt took his sword, saying "I think sword will do it fastest...I am sure I can be carefull this time" he pulls the sword out placing it on the verrs body. He lined up and stated to cut into it.
I turned my face away, noticing he took his sword...not wanting to feel it in my face.
Master Matt
Then begins to move his sword up and down on the verr. I saw how it was sliding into its skin. "you think this is the best way? or should I just try to slice at it?" he asked me. "No Master" I said " just be quickly before the Mistress returns."Just cut it into big pieces and we bring it to the cave."The Master swinged with his sword into the verr then stands up and swings it the other way . As he looked down at the mostly equal cubes of meat "hmmm yes" he said " I think that was much better asnd faster idea girl"
"Well done Master" turning my head again, knowing all was done.
He then winged again with his sword into a couple of large pieces , while he watched with joy slicing them into small pieces. "ok girl....all done best pick them up now". He said.
"Master tug some pieces into this one's backpack as well". I took a piece of the leg ready to be dragged to the cave. Master Matt quickly tugged some pieces into my backpack. I looked at the Master asking him if all the pieces where taken, and if Master was ready to head back to the cave.
"Come fran let's go back to Storm" he said. and so we walked out of the farm to our cave.
Quickly we walked into the cave, I dropped the big piece on the floor, Master Matt watched me as I put out the meat and leayes out " that thing will sure be tasty"
"It surely will Master" I smiled up to him...and then looked at my hand, questioning myself who would prepare it.
"Make sure that meat is hidden first though incase anyone comes her searching for it" the Master sad to me. I started to hide all the pieces . "These are really heavy Master, especially that one over there Master, maybe Master would be so kind to help this one", I asked him. Master Matt nodded at me picked up the heavy piece and carried it over the table to the servery, and hides the piece high up "there...none will find it up here". I giggled "yes Master indeed...thank you for helping this one..." and quickly glide on my knees again ready to head back to my Master and bring him the good news.
Master Matt ordered me to go back to my Master, I wished him well, and walked out of the cave.
I still needed my shot against tetanus....but that will be the fourth part of this story
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A thief at the farm (2)
Master Matt drove his blade through te nack of the verr as he watched the blood shoot over his fingers, feeing the crunching of the bones, " well that was the most human way" as he lays it on the floor beside me " here, all yours". I watched Master Matt just taking away the last breath of the verr, and waited untill he cleaned the inside and most of all skinned the wool. I closed my eyes fast agayn when I saw all the blood in the pure white snow. He removed the useless inner parts.
Master Mattt looked at me and asked me "girl do you know best way to get the skin off, I steal most of my food, I don't skin". I could only shake my head, "jst cut it with a very sharp knife slowly from the skin Master, but be careful it needs to be done in one movement...don't slip aside wth the knife". I hoped I was of some help with this, cause never seen a verr been skinned before
"I will try"..I'm sure I will mess it up though" and laughed, " maybe I should find a professional to do this".
"fran you hold it while I cut it...I'm sure that's the best way", I moved closer and sat on this bloody verr.
I sat still as good as I could, making myself heavy and holding my hands on it to keep the poor moveless verr stabile. Master Matt started to cut slowly the upperskin with the wool from the skin, watching it separating slowly...., While Master Matt was working with all his attention on what he was doing, Master Artan came saying Mistress Freja was missing. I sudden saw Master Matt his knife moving closer to my hand, he was speeding up the cutting, as his hand slipped away catching my hand slightly. He lloked quickly what he did wondering how bad it would be.
I screamed "AUUUUUUUUUWWWWWW, Master!!! what happened...I looked at my hand and saw the blood streaming from the top of my hand. I started to shout" This hurts", and the pain was getting worse.
Master Matt heard me screaming "what, eh nothing...." while he looked at the blood pouring from my hand, quickly tiurned to my Master to see if he noticed,wondering what he was going to do now.
"I think the verr may not have been dead" he said and laughed a little "did it bite you"
I quickly took some snow with my other hand and wiped the blood away from my hand in the hope the bleeding would stop, tears were rolling over my cheeck, the pain was unbearable. I started to bite on my lip for not making a sound and cried out loud "Master look at my hand what will happen now?"
Master Matt looked a little worried for when my Master would find out "eh I think maybe we should get you to a green...would not want to get I mean bite...infected"."Do not worry will be ok" he said to me and tried to calm me down, not wanting to alert my Master who was working on a scroll for Mistress Lucee.
"Oh yes please Master let's hurry, before my Master notices something" I said with a soft crying voice. I took more snow and wiped again over my hand whitch was bleeding and would'nt stop. Master Matt gave me a cloth to cover it up and stop the bleeding a little "come lets go...lets go we leave the verr here!". He wrapped the cloth over my hand when he saw I was struggling with it and walked as fast as we could to the village.
Ariving in the village there was a little panic around, probably about Mistress Freja still missing, when Master Matt started to ask if a green was around, "this girl has cut her hand,....need a green to ook at seems quite deep..."
Master Traum replied while the others where still talking about Mistress Freja's missing" just a moment I run to healers office". "No no greens around" he said, after coming back. I kept wiping my tears away with my other hand. Misress Kat said to come with her, she would put some salve on it and bandage till a healer would be able to look at it.
She looked up immediately when she heard her name "please yes please" I could only say.
" this one helps her homestone physician.....may this one see the bonds hand" she said.
"Yes you may " said Master Matt
I carefuly unwrapped the cloth from my hand, closing my eyes for not to see how deep the cut was.
While she was inspecting my hand, smiled and craddled my hand and chew on her lips for a moment, at the same moemnt I heard footsteps behind me, a voice the voice of? , Master Traum greeted my Master.... MY MASTER!!!?!!
"What's wrong lil one?" he asked me, looking at me
Another bond came when she heard someone crying
I did not dare to look at my Master, kept my head bowed,
Master Matt turned and stepped away, trying to blend himself in the crowd, the moment he saw my Master.
He looked at my hand "what happened?...." then he looked into the crowd for Master Matt
I mumbled some words " a little accident my Master" and quickly hide the hand behind my back again."So tell me what happened" Master asked me. I glared to Master Matt quickly. Master saw me looking at him, raised an eyebrow..."Matt what happened?" he asked him.
"jus a little cut Storm..nothing worry was either the animal was not dead....or maybe my knife slipped".
my Master walked closer to me "show me that hand" I kept turning my face away from my Master for him to see my tears. He kneeled down and reached for my hand. I could only bring my hand in front of me, still holding my face to the Master took some snow and wiped the blood away to inspect the cut.
When sudden Mistress Dalilah walked in " Tal, does anyone realise Fraja is missing?"
"Storm?" The bond who helped me moved herself out the way. My Master looked backwards when he noticed Mistress Dalilah, nods a tal to her..."no I did not know that" he said. While my Master inspected my hand, Master Matt watched my Master,, answering the Mistress " I heard something about it Dalilah, artan...was asking but I was a little distracted at the time.."
My Master reached for a little bottle of paga from his belt, took the vork between his teeth and poured some over my hand My eyes were only focused to master Matt, when sudden I felt the liquid over my hand and jumped "aaaaauuuuwwwwch". Master Artan who just arrived answering to Mistress Dalilah he did not know where Mistress Freja was asked " what happened to fran?"
Master Matt said he would be back in a moment and asked Master Artan to come with him.
my Master puts the cork back on the bottle and placed it back on his belt. I started to shiver, he took a clean piece of repclothe and winded it around my hand and knotted it. He strokes my hair when he said to me we needed to go to see a healer, to give me a shot. "a shot my Master??" I asked him with eyes widened.
"my Master this really hurts, how coud this happen?" I asked my Master while I looked up to him.
"yes", he said " so it will not get an infection" "heel lil one" he said when he raised himself.
"all this because of this stupid....stupid" and hold my voice.
My Master wished all well and I followed him, thanking the bond quickly before leaving the village.
Master Matt came running into the village, when I just could hear him saying that Freja was safe.
And asked my Master how I was. "Well Matt, she needs a shot against infection she might get.
My master took me to Tharnock, the city we where before, to do my examination . Since this was a year ago this took place, my Master wanted to have me checked again.
We came at Tharnock....and all was so quite. We waited..... and waited in front of the infirmary. Where was physicians, only a Mistress passed by to whom my Master asked if there was a green around.
My Master was thinking of another city to travel to, and so we did.
We arrived at Cardonicus, at the gate there was rather a crowd with Masters, and kajirea talking about the lateste gossips from the city.
This part you will read tomorrow....smiles...keep reading.....
Monday, January 5, 2009
a thief at the farm
fran was with her Master...
My Master capped her close to the village...Master Matt was there also as another Master passed the conversation started ... she was scooping around the city, and maybe trying to steal things. Said to the Master she would be a good bond for the village.
My Master turned her over and she groans...He started to bind her writs and her ankles
She replied: not stealing...looking..there is a cave yes? don't tie please
Master Matt asked my Master if we where going to keep her, and my Master asked if he wants her.But he could use her to get lacey back which he captured earlier but escaped, and he could have his revenge
The girl started to ask to let her go and she would get Lacey if she knew where to find her "I can bring her whoever she is.I promise".
My Master kneeled close to her...looked into her eyes "who you think you are, you can bring lacey back""what's your name, and where you come from girl named okie?"
Master Matt whispered "do you think she will come back?""what is stopping you running away and not returning..what promise would you offer?"
She started at Master Matt "I lived in a cave once, I am looking for it, there is many places since then, no homes"
"well there are many caves, girl named okie" replied my Master, he looked at Master Matt"well she is not particially dresses for the fokking frost here" okie bites back the insults and said" I was dresses better before, before I met some other of your kind""I might freeze to death if you dont let me out of the snow please"
Seems my Master heard some shooting at Lucee's farm and maybe she shot some of her stock..
they went to her farm to check her stock. The girl grinds her teeth, and my Master pulled her on her feet, tows her over his shoulder, and walked to Lucee's farm.
Master Matt said he thought to have seen some bloodin the snow when he run to my Master
the girl said that everyone had to eat, she groans when she recognised the farm. The my Master asked her where she did hide it.The girl asked hide what?. A verr replied my Master to her, she shaked her head and said she did'nt touch any verr. my Master asked master Matt to go and look for some bloodtrail, he noticed an arrow near the fence, and told her she ain't not a good shot. He compared it with hers and it looked like her arrows.
She said that she shoots fine and only was testing the string of her Master dropped her on the floor and again he asked her where she hide it. The girl laying on the floor tryed to convince my Master by bringing Lacey and 2 verr, she did'nt hide anything and again where she would hide it
Then this one arrived seeing her Master from the distance and waks towards him to heel beside him.
I heard my Master talking to the girl not knowing what was going on. He said to her why she would bring 2 verr when she steals 1 from the farm. She did'nt steal a verr she said.
Master Matt seemed to have seen some blood and yelled at my Master that he could'nt see where it came from or went, he would continue to look further.I heard the Master yelling words about blood not knowing what was happening and looked towards the farm where I could see Master Matt. The girl started to shiver from the laying in the snow and when my Master said he would squeeze out an answer out of her. He kneeled down and draws his dagger, trails it over her stomach and up to her troat "now tell me where you hide it" The girl started to clench her jaws holding her breath and said "oh really did'nt take a verr, I swear"
"Well there is blood and an arrow of you...and one missing" Since I was in the farm the day before I had to count them again
In the mean time fran was was inside the farm and looked around, when master Matt was yelling that he sees a wounded verr, that could die soon, and not knowing what hppened to it.
I was counting them and shaked my head, shouting to my Master that I thought one was missing, there where more the day before at the farm, I was very sure about that.
MyMaster said to her she was going to pay for it, the girl tried to roll over" I did'nt take it, but I will bring 2 and lacey, yes?"
My Master grabed by her feet binds and drags her inside the farm, near a bunch of straw. "do what you must do then, but it wont change that I did'nt take the verr" and sighed, she was to proud to keep defending herself and started to at her bindings with the tips of her stretched fingers, hoping to pluck an end from the knot and work it loose.
Fran walked back to where she belongs and saw Master Matt inspecting the verr.
It was limping badly and while touching with he could feel the blood streaming over his hand, the poor vurr struggled and Master Matt quickly saw an arrow sticking out.
He tosses the arrow towards my Master shouting " catch! as the arrow flys trough the air direction my Master." is this the same arrow as you found"
I bend my upperbody quickly aside to escape the arrow.. the girl frowned hen the arrow soars through the air
My Master catched the arrow, and took the other one he had found near the fence, he nodded that they look alike and turned to the girl. He holds the 2 arrows in her eyesight and said to her " well I think this was yours...or not.." and shake with the one with blood on.
Poor little verr I could only say, shaking my head.
Master Matt let the poor verr go and pats it slightly, as he watches it try to limp of "well not sure there is much we can do for this one...but I do not know much about healing animals...maybe I should just put it out of its misery?"
My Master could only nod and blame it on the girl "you where going to anyway weren't you" she said, " I only shot that one because it attacked me!""Its rabid", "but I did'nt kill it and take it away or hide, just like I said I did'nt"
I shouted to Master Matt nooooo Master stop...give it a chance" and looked with very angry eyes at the captive girl, in the hope she will be punished for her deeds.
She glared to me and said "what would she know about being hungry" My Master asked her hoe she would know it has rabid..was she a green?. "because it attacked me" she said.
My Master knows the owner of the farm has a healthy stock, he said with an angry voice "well maybe you scared it!" "well you wounded it and it looks bad..we have to kill it now to put it out its misery"
the girl even dared to say or ask to give her the skin and roast it, If I have to pay for it, it should be mine". How could she dare to say this!!!
"well you do not need it" said my master angry. I was looking to the limping verr with sad eyes, knowing soon it will be taken out of its misery because of this stupid...stupid...girl.
My Master then decided to take her into the village and the magistrate wold deal with her. He bend over to her and lifted her on her feet and then trowed her over his shoulder again. "well if you do this I will never bring lacey to you" she said
Master Matt heared my words and lowers his sword noticing the verr coud not go so far "well I will put this one out of its misery then".
Myself could only give a little smile to my Master hearing his words she would be dealt with the magistrate, and will learn a lesson for hurting a poor innocent verr.
Master told me when he was walking away that I could clean it and take the wool and skin to prepare a meal for the.
"this is my skin, my meat " she shouted when her Master left the farm.
"The that slave will ruin the skin, and she sure can't butcher it" not knowing of course that Master Matt would butcher it.
My Master dropped her in a cage, while she was trying to negociate with him " Please let me just replace the animal".
My Master said to her, it was a little to late for that, she did steal it and if he were'nt there it time, she ould have stolen it for nothing.
"I did not steal" she said again, "well you hurt it and had maybe attentiion to take it".
"I f I was going to take the animal I would not have left it" and frowned. My Master grins at her words she did not steal...he closed the door of the cage and locked it.
Fran and Matt where still at the farm....but this part and the continue of the story will be placed tomorrow....SORRY
Friday, January 2, 2009
Something a little different
So I will direct you there.